Our competent resource consultants are familiar with reporting to widely adopted codes such as JORC, NI43-101, SAMREC.

Public reporting compliance is a fact of life that listed explorers and miners have to deal with. Given the time pressures most companies are under to inform the market of new results, it goes without saying that an extra pair of eyes looking over a new announcement can be highly beneficial. With just an hour’s fatal-flaw review of an Exploration Results or Mineral Resource public report, you can achieve peace of mind, while still allowing your announcement to pack the same sales punch.

Through its Mineral Intelligence project, Vlahos Geosciences Inc is uniquely positioned to distinguish the sometimes-fuzzy thresholds of compliance and help its clients publish not only compliant, but professional public reports and accompanying figures. We can make sure that with minimal effort, your public reports pass muster and avoid the embarrassment of being subject to one of several market re-issues that happen each week. Vlahos Geosciences Inc is in regular dialogue with JORC, AusIMM, AIG and ASX to discuss the more ambiguous parts of compliance requirements and are in the know on recent developments and changes.

Full reviews, including the fine tuning of JORC Table 1 may require as little as four hours for single-project announcements. Vlahos Geosciences Inc provides tracked changes and comments so that you understand specifically which aspects of an announcement are not properly compliant and why.

Contact us if you would like to schedule a call to discuss your next announcement. Vlahos Geosciences Inc offers new clients a free one-hour review of public reports, with no strings attached. We understand that these announcements are always ‘urgent’ and we endeavour to work to your publication deadlines.

We have done this work for many listed companies and some of the recent comments of our clients include:

“Your compliance editing services were extremely efficient, for just 1.5 hours spent you picked out a bunch of issues that we didn’t know were important for JORC, and greatly improved the flow of the document. Made it read much more professional!”

“Great eye for detail. Not only did you make sure it was compliant, you picked up a raft of important spelling, grammar and styling issues. We’ll keep sending more announcements for reviewing.”