Quality Assurance and Quality Control form the foundation and safeguard of the overall quality of any output, whether it is a resource model, exploration programme, metallurgical sampling, grade control, plant sampling, etc.
In the mining and mineral exploration industry these terms often get confused and are simply interpreted as to “insert some standard and some blanks”. The problems are created when the project advances along the value chain and financial decisions are more and more important on an adequate assessment of risk. Don’t fall in the trap of collecting data for the sake of it and allow time and money for proper QA and QC. It will save you money down the line.

Vlahos Geosciences Inc can help by implementing industry best practice standard operating procedures and implement these through training on your work site. Of course, we advise our clients to get these systems implemented before their key sampling or data-gathering projects start; cleaning things up after the fact always takes more time! By training staff how to properly read the QC results from control graphs or other statistical assessments, the confidence in the result will be higher and your bill for the resource geologist will be lower.