Vlahos holds a BSc (Hons) in Mineral Technology (1996) and an MBA (2004) from the University of Otago, New Zealand. She is a member of the Institute of Directors (NZ), and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.


    René has worked on early-stage, resource development and active mining projects in a wide variety of geological settings, in countries in Africa, Asia, Australasia, North America and Europe, and across multiple commodities.


    Michelle has over 35 years’ experience in mining, exploration, consulting, and the public sector. She holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Western Australia and was responsible for the development of successful mining projects in Western Australia that are still in operation today.


    Bruce is a consultant specialising in Social Performance in the resources sector; an Adjunct Professor at the Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland, and for six years was a Guest Lecturer at the University of Otago MBA Business School.