Michael is Vlahos Geosciences Inc’s Principal Geochemist and General Manager Geoscience. He has worked globally on many different mineral systems including orogenic Au, epithermal Au, placer Au, shear-hosted Cu, IOCG, Cu-Au porphyry, Pb-Zn-Ag deposits, Li and REE pegmatites, and heavy mineral sands. He is the author of more than 35 peer-reviewed journal papers with a focus on applied geochemistry, metamorphism, and economic geology.

He was a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Mineral Resources, based in Perth, Western Australia, for almost five years. Prior to which he spent five years working for Barrick Australia Pacific Ltd as an underground geologist based at Plutonic Gold Mine, completing his PhD on that deposit.

Michael has expertise in collecting, integrating, and interpreting diverse chemical and mineralogical datasets using multivariate techniques in exploration and mining settings. He is also an expert in pXRF data collection and interpretation, and has written a best-practice paper on the subject. Michael uses and develops cutting-edge data handling and machine learning techniques to maximise value from geochemical, mineralogical, and remote-sensing datasets.